Hindi is an important language among the all over national languages and it has an official language status throughout in India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. Its script “DEVANAGIRI” is written and spoken accepted worldwide nations especially in UNO meetings and Conferences

The Department of Hindi, offers Second language Course for B.A, B.Com and B.Sc. The Department is also vigilant in popularizing the importance of Hindi language among the students, as it is the National Language of our country. The department is conducting Seminars, Literary Competitions etc. in the college on different areas of Hindi literature. We give much importance in developing the Academic and Communicative skill of students in Hindi Language.

The Department of Hindi has its existence since 1954. At present, the department is functioning with one faculty member and around 250 students. Here Hindi is being taught as a second language in 22 UG Programs.

Highlights of the Department:

  • Department of Hindi assigning Assignments to Hindi students.
  • Every Year on 14th September, Department of Hindi Celebrating Hindi Divas.
  • Guest Lectures by Eminent Scholars.
  • Invited Lectures by Faculty.
  • Student Study Projects.
  • Hindi News reading by Students
  • Story Telling in Hindi by Students.
  • Every Year Students participating in Zonal and District Level Yuvajanotsav Competitions.


o    To develop a positive outlook towards Hindi Language among the students.

o    To   familiarize   the students with the various modern trends in Hindi Literature.

o    To develop the Language Proficiency and Communication Skill of the students in Hindi Language.


o    To provide the basic and general information about Hindi Language.

o    To improve their reading and writing skills. Achieving the all-round development o of the students through curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

o    To enhance their ability to communicate effectively and acquire the pronunciation of native speaker by means of spoken Hindi.

o    To inculcate interest among students in the study of Hindi Literature, along with academic excellence.

Core Values

·         Adhere to — high ethical values.

·         Emphasize — strong character.

·         Focus on — Quality.

·         Value our — Faculty.

·         Believe in — activity oriented learning.

·         Understand — the importance of Academic performance.

·         Maintain — good relationships

Our core values along with the Indian Value system guide the College.

 They are:

·         Work is worship (sincerity in studies)

·         Respect for those who serve us (by greeting them and being courteous to them)

·         Dignity of labour (through activity clubs & squads)

·         Equality & secularity

Hindi, being the National language is given a lot of importance. Hindi is the second language which every student is expected to learn. No cultural programme is complete in our college, without an item in Hindi.