UG Instant Exam Time Table-Aug 2024 (Exam Fee Payment Last Date 29-07-2024, for UG 4th year 31-07-2024)     Revaluation/Recounting of UG-II/IV/VI sem April 2024     Time Table - UG-Even Semesters-II/IV/VI - April, 2024     UG Evem Sem Examination Fee Notification April, 2024     UG 4th Year Sem-VII, SEE Time Table, Mar-2024     PG Sem-III, SEE Time Table, Mar-2024     PG Sem-I, Examination Time Table, Mar-2024     PG Sem-I/III Exam Notification March, 2024     UG 7Th Sem Examination Notification March, 2024     PG Revaluation Notification for Sem-II&IV     TIME TABLE FOR DEGREE (UG) THIRD YEAR - SEMESTER V (BACKLOG) EXAMINATIONS- DECEMBER 2023     TIME TABLE FOR DEGREE (UG) SECOND YEAR - SEMESTER III (REGULAR) EXAMINATIONS-DECEMBER 2023     TIME TABLE FOR DEGREE (UG) SECOND YEAR - SEMESTER III (BACKLOG) EXAMINATIONS- DECEMBER 2023 ADMITTED BATCHES 2018-19 AND 2019-20 ONLY     TIME TABLE FOR DEGREE (UG) THIRD YEAR - SEMESTER V (REGULAR) EXAMINATIONS- DECEMBER 2023     Odd Semester (I, III and V) End Examinations December – 2023     TIME TABLE FOR DEGREE (UG) FIRST YEAR - SEMESTER I EXAMINATIONS-DECEMBER 2023 B.Sc (BACKLOG) 2018-19, 2019-20 BATCHES ONLY     IME TABLE FOR DEGREE (UG) FIRST YEAR - SEMESTER I EXAMINATIONS-DECEMBER 2023 B.Sc (BACKLOG) 2020-21, 2021-22 AND 2022-23 BATCHES ONLY     TIME TABLE FOR DEGREE (UG) FIRST YEAR - SEMESTER I EXAMINATIONS-DECEMBER 2023 B.Sc (REGULAR) 2023-24 Admitted Batch     Instant Exam Time-Table, October-2023     Instant Exam Eligible List (2020-21 Admitted Batch): Oct, 2023     Instant examinations October- 2023      PG - Sem-II/IV : Timetable for Sep, 2023    
From Chief Controller of Examinations

The Controller of Examinations (Autonomous Examinations Wing) of this college is endowed with well-defined responsibilities and adequate authority to conduct fair and timely examinations as per the academic calendar of the college for the UG Courses. The Examination wing has been formed to supervise the examination & evaluation process which is headed by the CCOE-Chief Controller of Examinations (Principal) and a team lead by controller of examinations. The conduct of examinations & the evaluation in the Autonomous system is an important academic activity to analyze the overall performance of the student. In this context, Examination Cell plays a key role in the evaluation process. At each and every stage in the evaluation process, including Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and Semester End Examinations (SEE).

The Examination wing in SRR & CVR Government degree College(A) Vijayawada, envisage the need for radical reforms in traditional examination and assessment system and are working towards evolving a credible, valid, and effective evaluation system that responds confidently to the challenges and newer demands of a knowledge society. We have set ourselves for adopting technology to facilitate easy interface for exchange of information. Devise and monitor strategies and implementation of useful examination practices by implementing SPES-Students performance Evaluation System provided by Manasa Software Solutions-Tenali. Online mode of examination form filling that will help generate student summary, payment gateway for remittance of examination fee and Hall Tickets to optimize time and eliminate errors. Respect autonomy, promote excellence and inclusiveness where they exist and are due. The examination system is fully automated with various processes such as Students exam registration process, Configuration of subject codes, Issue of Application forms, Issue of Hall tickets, Hall planning, Appointment of examiners for setting of Question papers and evaluation for both theory and practical subjects for evaluation and viva-voce, compilation of marks,

Dr. K. Bhagya Lakshmi, Principal
