Awareness of Trends in Technology

Technology awareness is mandatory. Ignorance and indifference to updating oneself with the latest tech updates can be disadvantageous to study and career. Knowledge of technology allows a student access to widely available information and research.

Moreover, various job opportunities are technology-specific and a student needs to develop these skills to keep in tune with the fast age of technology growth. Inventions, innovations, and advances in digital technologies are creating vast opportunities, and students with considerable potential and technology skills have better scope to flourish and succeed.

Hence programs are lined up frequently to underline the importance of staying updated and to help students learn technology skills. Institutions, companies, and industries offer free training to students as part of their social responsibility. Students actively participate in these workshops, seminars, conferences, software training, and tech events.

Year-Wise Activity Reports

Activities/Programmes 2021-22

certificate course on hardware networking _physics& electronics _2021-22

Certificate couurse on cyber security_.JK_ Cisco_Feb2022

Beautician Certificate course_Makeup Artist_WEC_03-02-2022 to 05-03-2022

Cyber Crime Awareness Programme_10-12-2021

microsoft uopskil programme_JKC_17-03-2022

REPORT_Basic Electrical Appliances_ ITI WORKSHOP 19-03-2022

Computer Webinar Report_ML_24-02-2022

International Virtual Talk_ MB F  IVT 26th FEb 2022

LNSF  Webinar 25 FEB 2022

International Webinar_Recent Adv in Agri BioTech__Botany_26-03-2022

Guest lecture Report _Space Research & Rockest_10-11-2021

Guest lecture on Nano materials_ Report_04-01-2022

Guest Lecture by Dr Manjula_Food Tech_22-01-2022

Mushroom cultivation Industrial training 09-05-2022

Medicinal Plants drive 20-12-2021

Field trip to LAM

Training Programmes_Zoology_2021-22

Awareness on Trends and Tech-LS_SD Courses 2021-22

Awareness on intrepretation of AI in Internal Assessment August 2023