

Alumni Registration Form- Click Here

About Alumni:

The contribution to any educational Institute by its old students is laudable by all standards the SRR CVR GOVT. COLLEGE ALUMNI (OLD STUDENTS) ASSOCIATION is no exception. The College has a history of hoary glorious past and successful eminent personalities came out of the portals of this college, who have lived and are also living all over the World presently. The Institution has sent out generations of students who have become eminent and useful citizens of our country. The Institution also has the unique distinction of having the largest number of alumni who have become reputed academicians, personalities, experts, statesmen and celebrities in various fields both in India and abroad. Among the luminaries, the College mentions with pride the names of Sri. N.T.Rama Rao, former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, His Excellency Sri.P.S.Rama Mohana Rao, former Governor of Tamilnadu, His Excellency Sri.V.Rama Rao, former Governor of Sikkim. The Alumni also comprises numerous bureaucrats, professionals, politicians, social workers, writers and artistes etc. SRR & CVR GOVT. COLLEGE ALUMNI (OLD STUDENTS) ASSOCIATION has been revived and registered on 12/06/2003 with a Registered Number of 355/03 with an objective of participating in developmental activities of this renowned and premier institution of Vijayawada City.


The Aims of the Association is SOLIDARITY and SERVICE. SOLIDARITY contains: (1) Between the Old students and the college. (2) Between the Old students themselves. (3) Between the Old students and present students. (4) Between the Old students and the society in which they live. SERVICE includes Providing Educational service to the students community in all respects in the college.

(1) To create spirit of Association among the entire Old students of the SRR CVR Govt. College, Vijayawada.
(2) To take up development activities of the SRR CVR Govt. College, Vijayawada like remodelling and reconstruction of old and damaged buildings and construction of New Blocks in the premises of the college with a sense of the gratitude to the college.
(3) To stand by the college in times of joy and trail, specially when the institution is falsely attacked or maligned.

(4) To extend whatever help it can, so that the college may continue to render the services, which the old students received.

(5) To honour the devoted lecturers when the occasion demands.

(6) To promote solidarity and mutual help among the ALUMNI through frequent meetings and publishing ANNUAL ALUMNI SOUVENIR
(7) To offer scholarships and awards to poor and deserving students.

(8) To advise the present students to maintain moral integrity, efficiency, and all round excellence to personal example.
(9) To take up any other social and charitable activity which will help to develop the knowledge outlook of the students.
(10) To take up students welfare activities including, sports and Athletics.

(11) To take up any other activity which will help for the development of the students and SRR CVR Govt. College, Vijayawada.

No. of Registered Alumni: 1512

Alumni Association Certificate: