NSS - Profile
About National Service Scheme (NSS)
National Service Scheme (NSS) was launched in the year 1969 to celebrate the Birth centenary of the Father of the Nation Sri MK Gandhi. It was started initially 37 universities involving 40,000 volunteers. NSS is an extension dimension to the higher education to orient the student youth to community service while they are studying in educational institutions. NSS volunteers have been rendering selfless service to the community. The main aim of the NSS is to facilities personality development of the students through social and community service.
SRR&CVR Government Degree College (Autonomous) Vijayawada having Two NSS Units with a total strength of 200 student Volunteers.
NSS Programme officers
The overall aim of National Service Scheme as envisaged earlier, is to give an extension dimension to the higher education system and orient the student youth to community service while they are studying in educational institution. The reason for the formulation of this objective is the general realization that the college students have a tendency to get alienated from the village/slum masses which constitute the majority of the population of the country. The educated youth who are expected to take the reins of administration in future are found to be unaware of the problems of the village/slum community and in certain cases are indifferent towards their needs and problems. Therefore, it is necessary to arouse the social conscience of the students, and to provide them an opportunity to work with the people in the villages and slums. It is felt that their interaction with the common villagers and slum dwellers will expose them to the realities of life and bring about a change in their social perception.
The motto or watchword of the National Service Scheme is : ‘NOT ME BUT YOU’. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. It underlines that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of society on the whole. Therefore, it should be the aim of the NSS to demonstrate this motto in its day-to-day programme.
NSS Symbol
The symbol of the National Service Scheme, as appearing on the cover page of this Manual is based on the ‘Rath’ wheel of the Konark Sun Temple situated in Orissa. These giant wheels of the Sun Temple portray the cycle of creation, preservation and release, and signify the movement in life across time and space. The design of the symbol, a simplified form of the Sun-chariot wheel primarily depicts movement. The wheel signifies the progressive cycle of life. It stands for continuity as well as change and implies the continuous striving of NSS for social transformation and upliftment.
NSS Badge
The NSS symbol is embossed on the NSS badge. The NSS volunteers wear it while undertaking any programme of community service. The Konark wheel in the symbol has eight bars which represent the 24 hours of the day. Hence, the badge reminds the wearer to be in readiness for service of the nation round the clock i.e. for 24 hours. The red colour in the badge indicates that the NSS volunteers are full of blood i.e. lively, active, energetic and full of high spirit. The navy blue colour indicates the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.
NSS was formally launched on 24th September, 1969, the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation. Therefore, 24 September is celebrated every year as NSS Day with appropriate programmes and activities.
NSS Song
During Silver Jubilee Year the NSS theme song has been composed. All NSS volunteers are expected to learn the theme song and sing the song during NSS programmes and celebrations.
Aims and Objective of the NSS
1. To understand the Community in which they work
2. To understand themselves in relation to their community
3. To Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process.
4. To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
5. To utilise their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems.
6. To develop competence required required for group living and sharing of responsibilities.
7. To gain skills in mobilising community participation.
8. To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude
9. To develop capacity to meet emergences and natural disasters and
10. To practice national integration and social harmony.
Enrolment in NSS
NSS is a voluntary scheme. NSS scheme starts from 11th Standard onwards. At college level the NSS volunteers will be enrolled from the first and second year degree-class students. The students from foreign countries studying in Indian universities can also join NSS so that they may share the experiences of national reconstruction and community work. NCC cadets will not be allowed to join NSS. Similarly, NSS volunteers will not participate in NCC or any other youth organisation as long as they are in NSS.
An NSS volunteer needs to devote a total of 240 hours social service in two years duration. Every year, a NSS volunteer has to devote 20 hrs. of orientation and 100 hrs. of community service. To enrol as NSS volunteer, contact the NSS Programme Officer of your school / college. Enrollment in NSS is free. The NSS volunteers on successful completion of the required hours of service are issued a certificate. NSS volunteers can get some weightage during admissions in higher studies and other benefits as decided by the institutions/university.
NSS Administrative Structure
At College level
The unit at college level is the grass-root unit in NSS. An institution will be allotted NSS units according to the strength of students. The number of units will be allotted by the Programme Coordinator in consultation with NSS Regional Directorate and State NSS Officer considering the demands of the institution. The strength of a unit will be 100 NSS volunteers normally. A Programme Officer will be in-charge of NSS Unit. Only those belonging to the teaching faculty will be considered for appointment as Programme Officer. Programme Officer will be responsible for the organisation of NSS unit, implementation of NSS programme under the supervision and direction of Principal of the college.
NSS - Adopted Village
Adoption of a village or an urban slum is a very meaningful programme in NSS. It is far better to concentrate attention on one village and take up the task for development perspective, than to fritter away energy in many locations involving too many activities which may not be completed at all or where the follow up action may not be possible. From this point of view, village adoption programme should ensure continuity of work vis-à-vis sustained action, evaluation and follow up work.
NSS- Forms and Guidelines
Instructions and Guidelines for New NSS Unit
- The Programme Officer is required to enroll 100 students as NSS volunteers (both male and female).
- The Unit has to adopt a nearby village/slum to undertake NSS regular activities as well as Special Camping Programme.
- The Unit has to open a Bank Account in any Nationalized Bank (preferably SBI) Saving Bank Joint Account to be operated by the Principal and the Programme Officer for NSS grants.
- The Programme Officer has to undergo a 7-day Orientation Training Programme whenever the NSS Cell of Krishna University, Machilipatnam directs the Unit.
- The Unit must constitute the college level NSS Advisory Committee.
- The Unit should maintain a Cash-book, Stock Register, Minutes book and Attendance Register.
NSS Committee Members 2021-22
S.l. No |
Committee |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Convener-l |
Dr. G. Nagarjuna
Programme Officer Unit-1 & Lecturer in Chemistry |
2 |
Dr. K. Ramesh |
Programme Officer Unit-II & Lecturer in Political Science |
3 |
Member |
Dr. Y Srilatha
Lecturer in Telugu |
4 |
Member |
Dr. G. Lalitha
Lecturer in Mathematics
5 |
Member |
J Santhi Bai
Lecturer in Commerce
6 |
Member |
EN. Mounika Sai
Lecturer in History