Gender Sensitivity
SRR AND CVR Government Degree College(Autonomous),
Vijayawada,Andhra Pradesh, India
1. Best Practices for the Academic Year 2020-2021
Key Indicator- Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
Gender Equity:
SRR and CVR Government Degree College(A), Vijayawada has a systematic work culture and the institution has been promoting gender equity to a great extent. To promote women empowerment and to create equal opportunities to all girls, the students are encouraged to participate in all activities to build confidence viz...Academic, Curricular, Co-curricular, Literary, Cultural, Social activities, Games and Sports to prove their merit and talent. The College treats all students alike by encouraging them to participate in all activities.
Safety, security and protective environment along-with the gender equity and friendly learning atmosphere always spread in the campus, so as to create congenial ties among the students irrespective of their gender.
As a part of this the girl students were created opportunities to participate in the Certificate Courses, the institution was offering. And they took wide participation and won in Games and Sports by fetching many prizes to the institution. The girl students appeared for all job skills training in the campus and proved their talent.
The best practice Gender Equity is well safe guarded by the Women Empowerment Cell. The women empowerment cell organized effective programs during 2020-21. The Women Empowerment Cell organized an awareness program to the students. This awareness program imbibed confidence among the girls and it also widely highlighted the importance of Disha App. The women empowerment cell organized effective programs during 2020-21. This special program has given wide popularity of Disha Act, and sensitized the girls about Disha App and the Help Line details.
The girl students have been participating in the Certificate Courses.They proved their success by being meritorious in certificate courses. The students have excelled in games and sports by bagging many prizes to the college.. The girl students have learnt how to use Disha App. They got alert of Disha App for their safety, through their mobiles. It's a great progressive change indeed. The She Team's visits to the college and their interactions with the students have been very frequent and this has created vigilance in the campus. The Women Empowerment Cell with all its members and with the support of all staff members stand by the girls and support them for their safety and security
The Women Empowerment Cell needs the resources like infrastructure, accommodation and also the funding to meet the related expenditure. As of now with the existing and the available resources, the success was made possible.
The class Representatives from boys and girls are equally nominated . This is giving equal representation from boys and girls, in free discussions and information circulation among boys and girls equally. This is how gender equity is maintained in Student Governance. Girls' waiting halls and rest rooms are provided in the campus with required facilities. Health Centre is available in the campus. The library provides separate reading space for girls. The College canteen has separate space for girls to avoid inconvenience during working hours. The Grievance and Redressal Committee is focusing to solve the problems in the campus..