Scholarships - Profile


 To make college education accessible and affordable for every student

 To encourage students from weaker and economically poor sections to pursue higher education against all odds

To assist students with their academic goals by removing financial hurdles

To encourage acts of generosity and philanthropy among staff, alumni and organizations

Policy of the college:

The college supports the essential requirement of scholarships for students and encourages support from the Government and various freeships from donors and philanthropists. It is the objective of the college to encourage students to pursue higher studies without financial hassles.

The college has Scholarship committee consisting of faculty and non-teaching staff. Taking the help of class mentors and student representatives, the committee monitors the process of applying for the financial assistance and also provides the information on various available scholarships.

The college maintains regular correspondence with the Government Social Welfare Departments, Jnana Bhumi, Welfare Corporations, NGOs and Alumni to ensure that deserving students in college are supported financially during their entire study in college

Scholarships are of various modes. It can be regular financial support from the Government or it can be in the form of donations and sponsorships from generous people.

Students of the college receive the following scholarships/freeships

I. Scholarships from the Government of Andhra Pradesh:

i.        Jagananna Vidya Deevena: Financial assistance to eligible students belonging to SC/ST/BC/Minority/EBC/Kapu to pursue higher studies. Provides full fee reimbursement as defined in the related Government orders.

ii.       JaganannaVasathi Deevena: Financial assistance as per the government guidelines to every eligible student to meet food and hostel expenses.

II. National Merit Scholarships/Centre Sector Scholarships from the Government

of India as per guidelines issued by the government.

III. Poor Boys Fund: Offered by the institution to poor and merit students, who are not receiving any kind of government scholarship. This fund is accumulated by collecting an amount of Rs. 50 from each student via college fee.

IV. Freeships/Meritships: Offered to merit students from poor financial backgrounds and is provided to any student from any community. Freeships come from Philanthropists, NGOs, Individuals, Teaching fraternity and Alumni.

V. Financial assistance to students with special needs:  Help the Blind Foundation,Chennai provides scholarships to the students with visual impairments.